Yvana Hepburn-Bailey | CEO, Confidence Coach, Athlete, Model, Actress

This episode features a guest whose career is as multifaceted as it is inspiring. She is a dynamic force in the world of film, fashion, athletics, AND business. From gracing our screens in feature films, to several Hallmark movies, walking international runways, excelling as a former Olympic-level athlete, and leading two thriving companies (Aspire Higher Enterprises and 3B Fitness and Performance), she is the absolute embodiment of versatility. As an author, speaker, and coach, she has dedicated her career to inspiring high achievers worldwide to discover their purpose, unleash their confidence, and maximize their potential.

Get ready to take the flight of your life with Yvana Hepburn-Bailey!

Relevant Links & Info from this Podcast:
 The Excellence Exchange Podcast is hosted by Sharon Hulce, President/CEO of Employment Resource Group, Inc. a nationwide Executive Search firm headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin. For more information about ERG, visit ergsearch.com, dial 920.996.9700 or email talent@ergsearch.com. 
Yvana Hepburn-Bailey | CEO, Confidence Coach, Athlete, Model, Actress
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